Saturday, May 15, 2004

The Vatican weighs in on what should be a common sense issue but somehow still needs to be spoken. The warnings come for Catholic women consdering marrying muslim men. The Vatican makes some valid statements...

>>>Calling women "the least-protected member of the Muslim family," it spoke of the "bitter experience" some Western Catholics have had with Muslim husbands, especially if they married outside the Islamic world and later moved to his country of origin. <<<

Why any woman would agree to move to an Islamic country after the horror stories we have heard over and over is beyond me. Maybe not every muslim man does this, but plenty of them seem to turn into a different person once they get their family behind the Koranic curtain.

>>>But Vatican officials and leading Catholic prelates have expressed increasingly critical views about the spread of Islam and the challenge this poses for Catholicism.

The Vatican's top theologian, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, said earlier this week the West "no longer loves itself" and so was unable to respond to the challenge of Islam, which was growing because it expressed "greater spiritual energy."

The migration document also discouraged churches from letting non-Christians use their places of worship.<<<

Well, duh! What are the odds of having Mass said in a mosque? The so-called interfaith dialogue with Islam only goes one way, Christians give, muslims take and then call for our deaths. Pretty sweet deal huh!

That is a salient point about the West, especially Europe's self-loathing that has led to an influx of Islam. If we are not careful we will end up with all of Europe, Asia and Africa being under Islamic rule. I guarantee that they have no interest in "dialogue" and "peaceful co-existance".

I saw a couple downtown as I was going home. A muslim man, a clearly American woman with her head covered and a pretty baby girl with a shock of curly blonde hair. How long before she gets her head covered in obsequiousness to the muslim god?

While there are very real differences in theology between Catholics and Protestants, we do have a common foe. The enemy of my enemy is my friend perhaps? At least on this issue...

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