Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Coming to a country and courtroom near you...

For all those who think that homosexual activists will be satisfied with "merely" getting the ability to marry legally, think again. Their agenda goes much deeper, and for proof we need look just a nation to the north away.

Canada has criminalized any sort of speech which may be interpreted as inciting violence against homosexuals. Given that that is a pretty broad concept, almost anything could potentially fall into that category, including preaching from the Bible. Think it can't happen? Here is what Canadian Christians say:

>>>"Pastors are afraid. They're afraid to preach on this subject," sad Janet Epp of the Buckingham Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. "Nobody wants to have the police come to their door." <<<

Think it can't happen here? Think again. Who would have thought five years ago, it the midst of the Bill Clinton "If it feels good do it" regime that we would be having homoerotic unions solemnized as marriages in Massachusetts. We already have the cries for more "hate speech" and "hate crime" legislation. The problem is in the interpreting of what constitutes hate speech. Think a federal judge wouldn't say that Romans 1 is hate speech? Think that denying a homosexual couple a marriage in a Baptist church isn't hate speech? Who knows, maybe the Bible itself will become hate literature and be banned in America. Think it can’t happen? Keep thinking that way and it will.

The First Amendment is teetering on the brink here, freedom of religious expression is about to give way to the absolute demand of tolerance of any behavior, no matter how perverse. The radical liberal fringe already tries to shout down it's opposition with invectives and lies. Soon they will have the full backing of the courts and police. It CAN happen here and it WILL happen here, unless Christians unite and say NO MORE!

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