Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Cincinnati is Bush country!

President Bush showed up in Cinci yesterday to generally positive crowds. The Cinci Post did report on a small, motley group of protestors, about 300 or so. The protest group was a microcosm of the Democrats as a whole and why they have a problem: lack of coherent message. Some were there crying about the environment, some about the war in Iraq, some about overtime pay, some about gay marriage, some about universal health care. The Democrats have devolved from a unified political party to a disparate bunch of special interests with no common ground other than hatred of Bush. That message carries no resonance with the middle ground voters they need to sway. Bush has a clear message, like it or not: strong on defense, tax cuts, tough on crime. It worked with Reagan and it is working with Bush. Stick to the big issues and let Kerry stumble around on every issue under the sun.

Take for example Kerry's diatribe about Hugo Chavez yesterday. 99% of Americans don't know who he is, or that he is president of venezuela or that he is a communist or why anyone should care (much less find Venezuela on a map). But it is an issue so Kerry attacks, as he desperately tries to find one that will stick to Bush, and thus far has come up empty. He is sliding in polls and we haven't even hit the crux of the election season yet. I imagine Dems must feel like we did when Dole was running against Clinton, it seemed like a good idea at the time but he is getting his head handed to him and there is nothing they can do about it now.

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