Friday, May 14, 2004

More from the deliciously dry and smarmy John Derbyshire on his state of "tolerant homophobia". You really have to read the whole thing. I find him absolutely a riot, his refusal to hide from the ugly invectives of the radical homosexual movement is commendable. The idea that "We can't have a rational argument with you about this, so we will call you a homophobe and lump you in with the killers of Matthew Shephard in order to silence you" holds no water with him, and rightfully so.

Derb dares to point out the error of another icon of political correctness: AIDS is not really a public health issue as much as a gay health issue in America...

>>>Male homosexuals apparently all believe that (a) AIDS has been a ghastly tragedy for them, deserving of widespread sympathy from the rest of us, not to mention lavish government-research funding paid from our taxes; (b) that the presence of this horrible disease in our society is no responsibility of theirs whatsoever; and (c) that AIDS is pretty harmless anyway, now easily controlled by drugs.

But look at this report from the New York Academy of Medicine. "HIV remains the leading cause of death among New Yorkers aged 25-44 years...drug abuse and sex between men fuel the epidemic.... About 3.9 percent of all men between the ages of 40 to 49 years have HIV infection or AIDS...." <<<

Rather than spending gzaillions of fruitless dollars on AIDS research, why don't we discourage it's main mode of contagion: sexually risky behavior, i.e. male homosexual intercourse. GASP! How dare I suggest that? I must be in need of sensitivity training...

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