Monday, May 17, 2004

As I have come to expect, Dr. Albert Mohler lays it out very clearly today, a day of infamy as homoerotic unions are solemnized as farcical marriages in Massachusetts.

Dr. Mohler labels today, Monday May 17th, as a day of infamy, a cultural version of Pearl Harbor Day and September 11th. Many will no doubt take issue with his seemingly intemperate tone, but this is the most serious assault on Christian values and the foundation of our society in American history.

Dr. Mohler takes special aim at what he calls "religious enablers", those who encourage immoral and destructive behavior while blasphemously couching it in religious mantra designed to add legitimacy to what is an inherently illegitimate act. The attitude of these false preachers of a false gospel is evident in this statement…

>>>Rev. Steven Charleston acknowledged that opponents of same-sex marriage believe such unions will end civilization. "Perhaps they are right," he said. The Post reported that the congregation greeted that line with "wild applause."<<<

The radical homosexual movement and it's cheerleaders no longer even pretend to hide their intentions, that is to say the eradication of any moral code, the removal of God as authoritative over our lives. Marriage itself is anathema to them, as it smacks of authority and rules, right and wrong, morality. All those things they hate the most.

I feel terribly sorry for those homosexuals who have been encouraged by liberal theologians into perverting the will of God. We all sin, but forgiveness can only come when we renounce and seek forgiveness of those sins. By encouraging solemnized homoerotic unions, these false teachers lead people away from forgiveness into comfort with their sin. They sit in the pews listening to messages of forgiveness, but no concept of how to receive that forgiveness and what they are forgiven from! Indeed they are encouraged to live in sin, and given a chance to hide their shame behind religious trappings.

Leftist judges have arbitrarily created a right for homosexuals to wed out of thin air. We waited far too long after Roe V. Wade to act, and now it is so entrenched in our society that we will have a difficult time ever making headway against it. We must not be so lax in our defense of marriage or it will similarly be too late. Marriage may exist for a day, a year, a decade against this assault but if left unchecked it WILL fall. Dr. Mohler puts it in stark terms…

>>>None of this will be obvious in the media coverage today. Instead, reporters and analysts will tell the nation that happy couples were joined in homosexual marriages--and that marriage still stands. It will, of course--at least for a time. But, like a crack that begins in the corner of a window and then slowly spreads across the pane, marriage will suffer the slow death of a thousand insults. Once marriage no longer means the union of a man and a woman, it can and will mean anything. Once it means anything, it means nothing. Only those who define marriage by a transcendent standard will retain the cherished memory of what marriage once was--and among biblical Christians, what marriage must always be.<<<

Listen to that line again: "Once it means anything, it means nothing." Quite right. Homoerotic unions disguised as marriage lead to a standard where there is no standard and marriage ceases to mean anything at all.

I pray it is not too late.

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