Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Boo hoo hoo!

Professional Bush basher and liar Michael Moore is upset because Disney won’t distribute his Bush bashing film. Perhaps Disney wants to MAKE MONEY on their films, as they are a for-profit company. Of course, if you ask the pudgy Mr. Moore, this may be the greatest film EVER:

>>>"Some people may be afraid of this movie because of what it will show," Moore wrote. "But there's nothing they can do about it now because it's done, it's awesome, and if I have anything to say about it, you'll see it this summer — because, after all, it is a free country."<<<

Maybe he is overestimating his own artistic talent? Maybe he is overestimating the country's hatred for Bush? Maybe people don't care to see him using 9/11 as a convenient and emotional tool to attack Bush? Mr. Moore is right about one thing, it *IS* a free country and Disney is free to not show your garbage. If it is so awesome, quit crying and find someone else to distribute your filth.

The liberals have a fit when Bush shows ad that rightfully tout his leadership during 9/11, THE most important event of his Presidency. Yet they have no problem with Moore using 9/11 for his own nefarious purposes, hypocrisy of the highest order when you look at who really led this country after 9/11/01. It wasn't Moore, it was President Bush.

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