Wednesday, May 12, 2004

But wait, there is more!

I was checking on Joe Klein's archives and came across a piece with this headline: "Does Bush Really Get Us?" I gather from the article that the "us" in question is the American public. Seriously, does Joe Klein really think that he understands the average American in Kansas and Kentucky? Us? Hey Joe, get out of the big cities and come to where America really is. You might find out that Bush DOES get us, and perhaps YOU don't.

The editorial is otherwise forgettable but for the title. Typical Klein fare:

"Woodward's book will feed the endless, fruitless speculation among the President's critics about the nature of his certainty, his allergic reaction to doubt or introspection. Is it religious, Oedipal or congenital?" Oedipal? Oh come on Joe that is cheap even by your rather unexacting standards.

"Clearly, the President and Karl Rove believe that Americans want a strong, God-fearing, plainspoken leader who doesn't burden them with complexities." Oh us poor, simple Americans. Are those daft people the "us" Klein is commiserating with?

"But there is an annoying condescension to this style of leadership. It assumes that nothing has changed since 9/11, that Americans are too busy living their lives to ask tough questions about that planeload of flag-draped coffins—an image the Pentagon didn't want you to see—heading home last week." BUSH is the one that assumes that nothing has changed since 9/11? It is Klein and his ilk on the Left that want to repeal the Patriot Act, seek to withdraw from Iraq and let the UN protect us, worry about what world opinion polls tell us, and turn the war on terror into a sociology lesson.

Does Bush get "us"? Puh-leeze.

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