Saturday, May 01, 2010

Best of the week entry 1

This is just funny stuff.

Barbie gets ordained, and has the wardrobe to match

With her careers as veterinarian, astronaut, and U.S. president behind her, Barbie has at last found her
true calling: as a second-career Episcopal priest.

The 11.5-inch-tall fictional graduate of Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, Calif., has donned a cassock and surplice and is rector at St. Barbara’s-by-the-Sea in (where else?) Malibu, Calif.

She arrived at the church fully accessorized, as is Barbie’s custom. Her impeccably tailored ecclesiastical vestments include various colored chasubles (the sleeveless vestments worn at Mass) for every liturgical season, black clergy shirt with white collar, neat skirt, and heels, a laptop with prepared sermon and a miniature, genuine Bible.

Apparently a devotee of the “smells and bells” of High Church tradition, Barbie even has a tiny thurible, a metal vessel used for sending clouds of incense wafting toward heaven.

Barbie, who in less than a week had drawn nearly 3,000 friends on her Facebook page, spends most of her time in the office of Dena Cleaver-Bartholomew, rector of Christ (Episcopal) Church, in Manlius, N.Y., near Syracuse.

(HT: Mael Disseau)

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1 comment:

Aussie John said...


Be interesting to hear her doctrinal statement.