It is an interesting exercise for me to peek at my Amazon shopping cart and see what I have pending in there. There are
62 books in my saved cart.
62! I have some saved stuff that I added in 2005 including a book on Baptist confession by William Lumpkins that I don't really expect to ever buy. I probably need to go through my saved cart and clear some stuff out. What I have pending in my “real” cart reveals where my interests currently lie and reflect the topics at hand on the blog. I probably need to spend more time reading and less time writing though. So anyway, here are the books in my shopping cart as of
right now:
Holy Subversion: Allegiance to Christ in an Age of Rivals Trevin WaxOn Fire for Christ: Stories of Anabaptist Martyrs, Retold from Martyrs Mirror Dave Jackson (used book)When the Church Was a Family: Recapturing Jesus' Vision for Authentic Christian Community Joseph HellermanLife Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community Dietrich Bonhoffer
I am almost to my next reward level for my debit card so I am close to getting a new Amazon gift card. Can’t wait, I love buying books!
So. What is in your shopping cart? What are you looking forward to reading in the upcoming months (besides the Bible)?
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