Friday, March 30, 2012

If you are a Christian you are a priest. Act like one!

A great post showed up on my sidebar this morning from Eric Carpenter, A Call to Live as the Priests We Are. Eric seems to be of the opinion that being a priest is something that all Christians are called to, not just in theory but in reality and in practice. Here is a choice nugget from his post:
God does not expect us to act as priests in order to come to him. Rather, because of Jesus' atoning work, we are priests. Our status is set. It does not depend on our work, but Christ's accomplished work.
Yes and amen!

Don't let anyone tell you that you are not qualified or "called" or "ordained" to be a priest. Don't let our culture tell you that serving as a priest only takes on a certain religious form. When a run of the mill layperson washes the feet of someone in need, stops by a widows house to see how she is doing or volunteers their time to help those without hope, they are serving as a priest of God at least as much, really far more so, than the guy in the suit standing behind a pulpit.

Being a priest is not something you study to become. It is not a status conferred upon you by other men who approve of your answers on tests and oral examinations. You are not distinguished as a priest by a collar or by a title or where you are located in the building or by a framed certificate on the wall of your office. It is simply and gloriously an integral part of who we are when we are regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit, born again into a new creature in Christ. Each and every Christian is called to the royal priesthood of Christ under the perfect headship of Jesus Christ and no other.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)


Aussie John said...


Hence my comment on your previous post re: "The church is not the building except when it is"

Eric said...


frank said...

If you desire any accolade or recognition for priestly work, then your reward will be only on earth. If you need a certificate or a dog collar in order to act the priest, you have lost the plot.
To be God's priest, be prepared to do it secretly where perhaps the only one who knows, apart from God, is the one you stand in the gap for.