Monday, February 21, 2011

Doing some good doesn't excuse murder

Sandra Fish writing for Politics Daily is crying hypocrisy over the effort to defund Planned Parenthood: Planned Parenthood Defunding: Family Planning's Not a GOP Family Value?. How can you claim to be family friendly and yet defund such a noble organization?! Sandra sez:

When it comes to family planning, apparently the ability to decide whether or when to have a child isn't part of Republican family values.

That's the message the GOP-controlled House sent by voting to cut not only all of Planned Parenthood's $75 million in federal funding for family planning but also the entire $317 million Title X budget. Title X money helps pay for birth control, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, breast and cervical cancer testing, prenatal care, sex education and vasectomies for men. About 4.7 million Americans get health care from clinics funded by Title X money, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Indiana Rep. Mike Pence represented his successful gutting of the funding as a victory in preventing abortion, even though the Hyde Amendment, enacted in 1977, prohibits federal funding of abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. And President Barack Obama signed an executive order last year preserving the funding ban under the new health care reform law.

In addition to the money from from Title X, which was signed into law by Republican President Richard Nixon in 1970, Planned Parenthood and other health care providers receive Medicaid money for health services to low-income people. Under Pence's amendment, approved in a 240-185 vote, Planned Parenthood wouldn't be allowed to receive any federal dollars, including money from Medicaid.

The message here apparently is that Planned Parenthood should be supported because of all the swell stuff they do and we should overlook the abortions they perform. Set aside whether you consider making it easier for young women to be promiscuous and engage in physically, emotionally and certainly spiritually risky sexual behavior to be a societal good for another discussion.

Here is where the rubber meets the road. No matter what value you find in the other services Planned Parenthood provides, those other services cannot offset the grim reality that Planned Parenthood profits from providing abortions. Even if they provided abortions for free and even if they only performed one abortion per year it would make the entire organization unacceptable. Hiding the fact that Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill behind language like "family planning", "womens health services" and "choice" is designed to deceive and distract from the horror that happens behind closed doors in their innocuous looking clinics. Their devotion to the bloody cult of choice taints everything else Planned Parenthood does and makes this organization one that shouldn't receive one nickel of tax dollars.

It is bad enough that we permit infanticide in this country, we certainly shouldn't be subsidizing it.


Laura J said...

I couldn't agree more.

Laura J said...

well said