Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I wish Piper would just come out and tell us what he thinks...

Seriously though, the "prosperity Gospel" is no Gospel at all, it is another gospel and is anathema. We need to put aside false pretenses of brotherhood with false shepherds and wolves among the sheep and call them what they are. These men slander the name of Christ with their false teaching and need to be called to repent.

(HT: Brian at Voice of the Sheep)


Anonymous said...

It is another gospel.

This is where self-focused "worship" can go.

I am the Clay said...

Who is this preacher? Sounds like he pretty much HATES the prosperity false mumbo jumbo teachings out there........
i can't believe how many false teachers there are in the body of Christ! I mean I thought leaving the LDS I was safe! Oh mama! No so! I need to be ever in the word so I won't be deceived by all the false teachings out there shrouded under the guise of the "gospel".....
Joel Olstee is another one that I am deeply troubled by.. and the "speak a word in faith" movement.......What? By our word it will be?? I don't think so! By God's word not ours!
The lord warned us of these false teachers.
May God help us to be wise and have great discernment,

Arthur Sido said...

Gloria, if you are not familiar with John Piper, you should go to his ministry webpage:


He is one of the most passionate preachers in our generation, theologically conservative and a wonderful expositor. All of his sermons are available for free to download and listen to, you can't hardly go wrong listening to any of them.

Bethany W. said...


I had not seen this particular video yet, thanks for posting it. As usual, I cried (sobbed, really). What? You wouldn't expect any other reaction from me, would you?

Great post.

Bethany W. said...

Oh, I forgot to say that I like the full page of comments better than the pop up... Easier for me to read.


Arthur Sido said...

Bethany, I really didn't like the pop up comments either, especially for longer ones. We really should weep when we see the Gospel being perverted like that.