Thursday, January 01, 2009

Piper, the Pope and the Prophet

Very interesting post on Mormon Coffee comparing the authoritative differences between Protestant Christianity, Catholicism and mormonism.

The post, What if Thomas Monson, Pope Benedict XVI, and John Piper began teaching that the practice of homosexuality was morally praiseworthy? , is interesting and really shows the flaws in placing a human authority over the Bible. In the post, Aaron uses the example of homosexuality. If John Piper suddenly started teaching that homosexuality was OK, Christians including Aaron and I who love Piper's ministry, would call him out for teaching something that was not in accord with God's Word. But if Thomas Monson started teaching that, what would mormons be able to do about it? There isn't a recall vote for prophet that I am aware of. They would either have to grit their teeth and go along with it or recognize Monson as the false teacher he is. The third option would be to devolve into what much of Catholicism has, where people claim to be adherents and yet feel free to ignore what the Pope says. Placing yourself under the authority of man backs you into a corner, because when they stray you must either repudiate your whole faith system or just grin and bear it.

There is a warning here for those who place Christian leaders, even the most popular and orthodox of Reformed leaders, on a pedestal. Piper, Mohler, MacArthur, Sproul, Dever, Carson. None of them are above the Word and all of them would affirm that. You can be sure that if one of them strayed, they would be called to account by their peers and those who love their ministry but some people would follow them anyway because they are not seeking Christ, they are seeking a man to follow. They have built their house on shifting sand instead of on the Solid Rock.

Stray from the authority of the Word, place a human between you and Christ and all manner of mischief follows! The comment string alone should be worth the price of admission!


Randy and April said...

I recently came across your blog, and I just wanted to let you know that I have really been enjoying it!

Arthur Sido said...

I wondered who that was in Lee's Summit, MO. Please share your thoughts as you stop by, I like having others give me their impressions as well.

Randy and April said...

That's wierd...I don't live in Lee's Summit, but it's about 20 minutes from where I'm at--I'm in the Kansas City area. Oh well. Thanks for your 2 cents on my post as well. :o)

James said...

Yeah, Arthur loves impressions. You should see his impression of a snow angel....

What a sight :-p

Anonymous said...

Great Post!
Thanks so much.