Thursday, January 20, 2011

One is a horror, one is a “choice”

The story of the arrest of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Barron Gosnell has been all over the news since yesterday including this CNN story with the ironic title: Philadelphia doctor accused of murdering patient, newborns. Ironic because I would make the same accusation of every “doctor” who performs abortion.

There is a great deal of controversy about this arrest because the perpetrator is clearly a crackpot and the depictions of his offices are so macabre:

Williams provided a grisly scenario of the shuttered abortion clinic: A search of the office last year by authorities found bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses scattered throughout the building. Jars containing the severed feet of babies lined a shelf. Furniture and equipment was blood-stained, dusty and broken.

Certainly horrifying and this man is deserving of arrest and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. I sincerely pray that he comes to know Christ before his end because the full reckoning of his crimes will come not from a human magistrate but the King of Kings. But here is my question.

If it is done in a sterile, clinical manner, is infanticide somehow less grotesque?

What is happening every day in nice, brightly lit abortion clinics is every bit as horrific as what was going on in this house of horrors. Perhaps the murder was covered up by sterility and professionalism and a waiting room full of pamphlets but the end result was the same: a woman and a child walked in and (except in one case) only the woman leaves. The perverse logic that our laws operate under says that a baby in the womb is fair game for an abortionist but that once she passes through the birth canal she is all of a sudden legally protected.

Let’s skip all of the feigned horror here because the only difference between what was happening in the clinic of Kermit Barron Gosnell and your local Planned Parenthood is a difference in hygiene, not in function.

1 comment:

Atlanta Roofing said...

The entire news article focused on Gosnell and that he was providing a house of horrors. And agree he was dead wrong. But he was not alone. What about all the women who sought Dr. Gosnell out and paid him money to perform those illegal abortions. It certainly feels like the women were as culpable as the doctor. It was only because of the high demand from women requesting and paying for late term abortions that allowed this doctor to perform these horrors for the last 2 decades.