Saturday, December 06, 2008

Need a good squirm?

I listened to this sermon by Paul Washer on the way to work this morning, and it is good stuff. Made me squirm a little, got me a little uncomfortable, caused some self-examination. 6:30 AM might be a little early to listen to Paul. I can only take Paul Washer in small doses but it is healthy to take a long look at yourself and be a little disturbed by what you see. Give it a listen!


Unknown said...

I have to confess that every once in a while I wish Washer would preach something a little more on the lite side. Maybe we should hold him down and inject a few cc's of Joel Olsteen into his blood. Anything other than the other extreme probably wouldn't have any effect.

Arthur Sido said...

seriously, I was all jittery when I got to work. I don't think I could handle him every week but every now and again he is a needed correction.

James said...

This man's heart for truth is a blessing to those who hear his words. I could only imagine just how sobering they are for him? I would chalk a majority of his perceptions up to his missionary work, this is a much needed context for every believer to have.