Monday, December 29, 2008

Behold the Lamb of God!


I have been listening to John Piper's sermon series working through the Gospel according to John, and predictably it has been great thus far. I listened to the Nov. 16th sermon today on the way home and for some reason it really hit me hard. Ever listen to the Word of God and just get electrified? I mean eyes welling up, heart racing, fired up? The guy who reads the Scripture before John Piper starts preaching is pretty vanilla, but when he read John 1: 19-34 it was the Word of God and this sheep heard His voice. This sermon, Behold the Lamb of God, was one of his best yet on John. You can read it here or listen to it here or watch it here. You should listen to it first, Piper loses something in writing that can only be experienced in listening to this elder brother in Christ just get fired up excited about His Savior. Listen and be edified, listen and be blessed as only the Word of God can.

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