Saturday, June 09, 2012

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I will give you three guesses...


Jenny 1.2 said...

1) Ummm, the chicken forgot her jack and tire-iron.
2) The chicken drove too quickly to the other side and lost her load.
3) Chickens don't eat hay.
(I had that happen to me as a teen. Boy was my uncle RIPPED!)

Anonymous said...

Oops ;)

Steve Scott said...

1) The Christmas tree has no lights or ornaments
2) no curbs and gutters
3) It was meant to go with your father's day post

Bean said...

Yikes! As I say to my grandsons, "What do you do with a big mess?",
answer, clean it up!

We were driving behind a truck one time, it was carrying a precariously stacked load of hay, it took to swaying in the most alarming way, we slowed way down and kept our distance, and suddenly the load just tipped, kind of in slow motion, and wham hay was everywhere except on the truck!

Aussie John said...


Inexperienced hay stacker.

Arthur Sido said...

John, actually the hay stackers were fine (three Amish brothers) but we have a bit of a drop off on the edge of the driveway....