Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A great quote from Covenant Children Today...

But, many of our paedobaptist brothers appear to be inconsistent in how they view the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant in the New Covenant. They see parts of the Abrahamic covenant fulfilled spiritually, but they cling to other parts as still being fulfilled as they were in the Old Testament.
It would seem inconsistent for the New Covenant to transform all of the major elements of the Abrahamic covenant except one – especially when there is no biblical reason found elsewhere for such an example. Only a preconceived opinion would lead to such an exception. Surely the clear reference to a spiritually transformed land, nation, and circumcision argue for a spiritually transformed seed as well.

(Covenant Children Today, pp 22-23)

Really hits the nail on the head, everything is fulfilled and transformed in the New Covenant except the sign of the covenant. That really makes very little sense, but it was once the majority report among the Refomred.

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