Friday, July 18, 2008


Defending the right of Americans to show off their underwear

The city of Flint, which is a generally pretty rough town with serious crime issues, recently announced that the young men who have adopted the fashion statement of wearing their pants down past the buttocks will be stopped, searched for other contraband and fined for indecent exposure pursuant to city statutes. Sounds like a pretty OK idea to me. They even have a chart showing what is an acceptable level of boxer exposure. But darn it, you know that the champion of all things undergarment the ACLU is going to come to the rescue!

Flint residents who like to wear their pants in the latest sagging fashion shouldn't have to pull up their trousers to stay out of jail, according to the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan.

The right to wear sagging pants is protected by the U.S. Constitution, the state ACLU argued in a letter it sent Monday to acting Flint Police Chief David R. Dicks, who has ordered officers to start arresting people who wear saggy pants that expose Skivvies, boxer shorts or bare bottoms.

The letter called for an immediate end to the stopping and searching of individuals with low-riding pants and a response from the Police Department by July 21. If not, the ACLU said, it would be willing to represent in federal court any Flint resident who has been or has had a "legitimate fear" of being stopped, threatened or charged under the ordinance.

Read that again: The right to wear sagging pants is protected by the U.S. Constitution, the state ACLU argued

So now it is a civil liberty to show off your underwear? Is that really what the Founding Fathers had in mind? Once again we see the ACLU, an unaccountable far left organizations decreeing what is or is not Constitutionally permissible and threatening expensive legal action if Flint does not bow to their demands and acquiesce. That is America? A private group replaces the courts and the people?

Thank goodness for the ACLU, defending the right of hoodlums, punks and posers to strut around with their underwear hanging out!

(Seriously, how tough do you look with your pants hanging down off your behind?)

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