Saturday, October 11, 2008

Look who had their hands in the cookie jar!

Great little video from Fox News that cuts through much of the inane hype and gets to the dirty truth of the financial crisis: our friends in the Democrat party have as much blood on their hands as anyone else out there. Because of the artificiall demand created in part by Fannie and Freddie, there was an ever increasing market for subprime loans. If there was no market for sub-prime mortgages to be sold at a profit, mortgage originators would have stopped writing those mortgages.

The lesson here is not that we need more government oversight, but instead that when the government gets involved in the free market, it ends up messing up the demand-risk equation and creates a market where none should have existed. What is really scary is that the Bush administration, directly ignoring obvious conservative principles, is going to take over private banks. Where does it end?

What is outrageous is the way that Dems are getting off Scot free even though they have controlled congress in recent years. Chris Dodd? Chuck Schumer? Barney Frank? Even the Messiah, Barack Obama, took money from Fannie and Freddie? I am aghast at the idea! That must just be more Fox News right-wing bias showing through!

Unfortunately, the media is so in the tank for Obama that the truth of his and others Dems complicity in this mess has been thoroughly hidden. A state trooper in Alaska who used a taser on a kid gets rightly fired? All over the news! The Anointed One shown to be nothing more than a Chicago Democrat, with shaky credentials, outrageous associations and hands a lot dirtier than the media would have you believe? Nary a word.

Between the fraudulent voters rounded up by Obama’s henchmen at ACORN and the non-stop glowing coverage of Obama, coupled with a gross selfishness on the part of Americans, you can put this election to bed. Obama is going to win going away and his cronies in the Congress are already planning on multi-billion dollar income redistribution plans. Wait until the same people who ran Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac start running private banks and bailing out consumers, companies and even states.

(Hat Tip: Paul Edwards)

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