Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The brave new world

Now this is a weird legal issue. If a woman is impregnanted in-vitro after her spouse dies, is the resultant child eligible to receive social security survivor benefits from their deceased parents who died before they were conceived? Think it through before you answer but what a weird scenario. I read about it this morning in the Journal, Fertility's New Legal Front, and it strikes me that this is just one of those unforseeable complications that comes from in-vitro fertilization. I don't think I have blogged about it but I am not a fan of in-vitro fertilization. At all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeesh...I can't even begin to imagine how to answer that. But, even as an infertile woman, I am not a fan of IVF either, for a myriad of reasons.