Sunday, August 01, 2010

The aging world population

Tim Challies linked to an interesting interactive graph from GE showing how the world population is rapidly getting older...

According to the United Nations, the elderly population of the world is growing at its fastest rate ever. By 2050, there will be more than 2 billion people aged 60 or over. The age of a country's population can reveal insights about that country's history, and can provide a glimpse towards the economic and healthcare trends that will challenge their societies in the future.

There are some enormous implications to this as the world gets older, especially in the industrialized world. We are looking at a world soon with an overbalance of young people in underdeveloped nations and an overabundance of older people in the developed world. The push to delay and restrict child bearing among the industrialized world is leading to a time bomb with too many people depending in the pension stage on a population of workers that is too small to support them. At the extreme, it could become very dangerous indeed.

1 comment:

chad said...

This topic is very interesting to me. One ramification that is worth looking at is the degree to which liberals may be breeding (or rather not breeding) themselves out of existence. For example, after four generations of having only two kids per couple, 30 direct descendants would result. On the other hand, 6 kids per couple after 4 generations would result in 1,554 children. Source...

The Population Research Institute has done a lot of work on this subject.

Sorry for all the links and suggested reading, but the risk of blogging is having people read and respond to the posts.