Saturday, August 07, 2010

Best of the week entry 2

Comes from Alan Knox (welcome back from Ethiopia Alan!) and is a brief but powerful post, Two Ways to Forsake Meeting Together. I think everyone uunderstand the first way, that failing to gather with the church is forsaking the assembling together but as Alan points out there is a second way we can forsake the assembling of the church:

According to this passage, there are two ways to “forsake (neglect) to meet together.” First, and the one that is often taught, is you can fail to meet with other believers.

But, the second way is just as important. You can also “forsake (neglect) to meet together) by failing to stir up love and good works among one another.

In other words, simply attending a meeting with other Christians (worship service, Bible study, small group, whatever) is not enough. You can still forsake meeting together even when you are attending.

Quite true. Just showing up is not enough!

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