Saturday, August 28, 2010

Best of the week entry 3

Comes from Bill McKeever and is a look at Glenn Beck's inconsistent mormon soteriology. Bill has some high hopes that Beck will come out of mormonism and into Christ, which is my hope as well.

According to his testimony, the Mormon Church became a part of Beck's life at a time of great emotional need, so we should not at all be surprised if he will continue to demonstrate a level of loyalty to his church. Many who transition out of Mormonism tend to do this slowly. However, if Beck continues to publicly express theological positions that contradict his leaders, there will come a time when his church will no longer be loyal to him. If that happens, I hope he will find a warm welcome among Christians that have prayed for him during his spiritual search for truth. All I can say at this point is, let's be patient and see how this all pans out. If the Holy Spirit is really doing a work in his life, I am sure He will do an excellent job at bringing Beck into a more consistent relationship with the Father. Whether that happens sooner, later, or never, I have no intention to stop praying for him.

I hope that Bill is correct and that Beck is being influenced by the Gospel as he spends time with evangelicals and that God will at some point break through his stony heart and that Glenn Beck will be saved. I fear that the opposite is true, that Beck will continue to influence evangelical leaders and lead well meaning but confused people astray. My trust is in Christ and in that we rest.

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