Saturday, September 10, 2011

This is too much

I have poked fun at stuff like this before but this crosses a line from silliness to blasphemy. I got an email this morning from adverting the NKJV "Patriot's Bible". I get those all the time but today there was something different about the ad. Here is a screenshot of it, tell me if you notice a problem here....

Sometimes history repeats itself? With a picture of the the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles at the Last Supper where He washed their feet, instituted the Lord's Supper and shared His last evening before the cross with those He loved on one side and the men who led the American revolution and formation of the U.S. government on the other? How in the world is an organization that caters to Christians making that connection? Even worse, how many Christians would see no problem with this ad drawing a comparison between the Last Supper and the founding of America?

What does this say to our fellow Christians around the world, given that the overwhelming majority of Christians are not American citizens? Yeah you are a Christian but too bad for you that you don't live in America where God really loves His people?

Just so we are clear. The founding of America, for good or ill, was not any more or less an act of God than the founding of Tanzania or Switzerland. The men we call the Founding Fathers are not in any way, shape or form comparable to the Apostles of Jesus Christ, no more so than the founding fathers of Bolivia or Canada. When Christians in America buy into this sort of foolishness it drives a wedge between us and the global church and it hampers our witness to the world by giving the impression that we are peddling American virtues every bit as much as we are preaching Christ and Him crucified,

The sooner the cultural Christendom that dominates the church in America collapses and this sort of foolishness ends, the better.


Anonymous said...

This is exactly the reason for my post that we need to stop "redeeming the culture" ... this ad is absolute BS! and like the person that coined that phrase, the person who put this ad together should be dropped kicked in the face.. twice!

Arthur Sido said...

I don't normally write angry letters but here is what I sent to ...

I received an advertisement this morning from you via email touting the "Patriot's Bible". I get these all the time and as silly as the notion of a "Patriot's Bible" might be, it pales in comparison to the way the advertisement draws a comparison between Jesus and the Apostles on the one hand and the founding fathers of America on the other. History repeats itself? How can an organization that caters to Christians make that sort of comparison between Jesus and His Apostles and the men who founded America? Is George Washington the equivalent to Jesus? Is the founding of America somehow comparable to the ministry of Jesus? The earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, culminating in the Last Supper, His arrest, torture, crucifixion and resurrection is unique and without comparison. The founding of America bears no similarity to those events and I would think that any Christian would understand this and be embarrassed to see their company's name attached to an ad that makes that link.

I am not somebody who is perpetually aggrieved but the comparison between the founding of America and the men responsible for that and Jesus Christ and His apostles is outrageous and frankly blasphemous. I am not one for empty threats but believe this. I will remember this email when making purchasing decisions in the future.

Brian R. said...

Wow. I had to read that ad three times, thinking surely they didn't mean it in that way! That's horrible.

And I know tomorrow we're going to see tons of "American Christianity" on the 9/11 anniversary. It's ridiculous and totally un-Christian.

Unknown said...

This is part of the reason I dislike Vision Forum. They emulate the same kind of stuff. Patriotism is as important as Christianity.
Uh, no.

Arthur Sido said...


I was flabbergasted and it took me a few times for it to really sink in as well.

Arthur Sido said...


I am with you on Vision Forum, they have some good stuff but intermixed with it all is that patriotism mixed with Christianity stuff.

Aussie John said...


It's all about making sales. The money god comes first, so let's appeal to the god of patriotism,power.

Arthur Sido said...


I am outraged that you would suggest that some people are pandering to Christians for the sake of making a buck! Why next thing you know you will suggest politicians are doing the same thing for votes!

Anonymous said...

any follow up from your letter?

Arthur Sido said...

I did get a reply that they were passing on my concern to someone else. In other words, they read it and deleted it.

Anonymous said...

I like the camo pocket version so a soldier can carry it while out loving their enemies.-Hutch