Thursday, September 24, 2009

A little more on Kevin Jennings

In my prior post I referenced the new "safe schools czar" who approaches education with a pretty radical homosexual agenda, Mr. Kevin Jennings. One of the other criticisms is that he is hostile to faith. From the original article:

The religious right is also alarmed by Jennings' personal views about religion. In his memoir, he wrote of his views while he was in high school:

"What had [God] done for me, other than make me feel shame and guilt? Squat. Screw you, buddy -- I don't need you around anymore, I decided.

"The Baptist Church had left me only a legacy of self-hatred, shame, and disappointment, and I wanted no more of it or its Father. The long erosion of my faith was now complete, and I, for many years, reacted violently to anyone who professed any kind of religion. Decades passed before I opened a Bible again."

Terkel said Jennings was writing about a "low point" in his life, and he now considers himself a religious person.

"Since then he has been involved in the Union Theological Seminary," she said. "He does consider himself religious. He tithes -- I just don't see any evidence that he is hostile to religion."

Jennings is on the board of the Union Theological Seminary, which describes itself as "progressive and evangelical."

That changes everything. He is on the Board at a seminary, he must be a man of faith! So I thought I would check out this "seminary" that he was associated with. Sadly I will be unable to attend a seminar they are holding today and tomorrow that takes a, um, unique look at the book of Revelation:

Sex & Empire

Public Lecture and workshop by Prof. Stephen Moore of Drew University

On September 24 and 25, Union Theological Seminary's Bible Consortium will host a public lecture and workshop by Prof. Stephen Moore of Drew University that explores the Revelation to John through the lens of feminist studies, queer theory, postcolonial studies, and eco-criticism.

Note: This mini-course can be taken for one-point credit and in this case includes a 5-page exegetical essay to be e-mailed to the guest-professor no later than October 9th who will grade it Pass/Fail and give brief feedback. Everybody is strongly encouraged to attend both events (even without formal enrollment).

I honestly never really saw the linkage between Revelation and "queer theory". If association with this school is the sign that Kevin Jennings is not hostile to God, I think the defense is in trouble.

I like atheists better when they admit they hate God instead of hiding behind religion.

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1 comment:

Steve said...

A wolf in sheep's clothing.

There are a lot of them. This guy is just more despicable because he's going after our children.