Thursday, January 17, 2008

A very important Albert Mohler show...

Dr. Mohler addressed, by name, one of the most famous religious personalities in the world on today's Albert Mohler show. The personality? Joel Osteen and Dr. Mohler didn't hide his concern over what comes out of Osteen's mouth. He pretty much called him a heretic and pointed out that he teaches what amounts to "another gospel".

Dr. Mohler made two great points that really strike at the heart of what is wrong with Osteen's "ministry"...

1) Would anybody listening to Joel Osteen messages possible come to a knowledge of his or her need as a sinner for a savior and how to be saved through Jesus Christ?

2) You can’t talk about the Gospel without talking about sin.

Both of those should give pause to anyone who follows Osteen and his featherweight, prosperity gospel message and cause them to delve into His Word and see if what Osteen teaches resembles what God has said. Osteens apparent ignorance of any semblance of Christian teachings and his refusal to stand firm for the Gospel, in season and out of season, reveals his ministry to be a sham.

Osteen's book carries the title: Your best life now. Joel, this is not our best life now, or at least I hope it is not. Our best life is to come. If this is as good as it gets, you are setting your sights too low. If we have nowhere to go but down, where does that lead?

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