Sunday, February 26, 2012

About that offering this morning...

Check out this pictorial from the Boston Globe that gives a tiny flavor of the scope of world poverty. According to the article, one billion people live in slums around the world and that number is expected to double by 2030. That is...

1,000,000,000 people, many of them children, living in unimaginable abject poverty

So when you put your check in the plate this morning, ask yourself where that money is going. Is it staying in your neighborhood, in "your church", to make "going to church" more pleasant and convenient for a couple of hours a week for affluent "Christians"? Or is it going to reach those desperately in need of food and shelter and most of all the Gospel? Look at this little girl before you complain about the parking or the color of the carpet...

How is your building fund coming along?

(HT: Tim Challies)

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