Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Homeschooling discussion

Tim Challies has a couple of posts up on the topic of homeschooling and more specifically on how we treat others who differ from us in the church. Tim is one of the most widely read bloggers and the first post that went up yesterday already has 120 comments. Here are the first two posts:

The Weaker, The Stronger, The Homeschooler

The Weaker, The Stronger, The Homeschooler (II)

It is no secret that we homeschool our kids. It is also no surprise if you read this blog that I think that public schools are inappropriate in almost every situation for the children of Christians. I don't apologize for that (nor am I interested in debating it here). What I am trying hard to do is to not be an evangelist for homeschooling nor a judge over those who choose not to homeschool their kids. That doesn't mean that I am not going to write about educating our kids and why I think homeschooling is best and the most faithful to Scripture but in doing so I am trying hard not to condemn others. Our last local church was almost entirely a homeschooling church and the one notable exception seemed "out of place" and that should not be so. I am glad to see this series from Tim focusing on how we relate with those who disagree with us on a very emotional and current issue.

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