Sunday, April 22, 2007

Final Session
Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology - Grand Rapids, MI

I didn't take a lot of notes, I was a bit groggy from all the driving and the preaching. Good stuff but it was a lot to absorb all at once. Ligon Duncan preached on The Sufficient Word and it was excellent. Now for a day of my own preaching (I would rather listen to Dever, Duncan and Carson!) and then a week of work and back at it next weekend at the Toledo Reformed Theological Conference!

A few other thoughts...

  • Again it was nice to see so many younger people in attendance. Everyone seemed very engaged and I saw lots of note taking.
  • The sessions proved that we can, and should, prepare for worship and indeed engage in worship in a serious, solemn manner. No praise brands, no power point, just people singing the great hymns of the church with a brass quintet and organ accompaniment.

The Sufficient Word

Ligon Duncan

2 Timothy 3: 14-17

Live by the book (verses 14-15)
Live by the book because it comes right out of God’s mouth (verses 16-17)
- Inspired
- Sufficient for salvation

God’s Word is contains the whole counsel of God regarding:
His own Glory
Man’s Salvation

The most important thing to remember about the sufficiency of Scripture is to recognize what Scripture is. God’s Word is adequate to do what He intends it to do.

It is an act of the highest worship to hear the Word of God proclaimed.

Evangelism and edification
Salvation and sanctification
Faith & life

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