I already found that Bonhoeffer grew up in a life of privilege that afforded him many opportunities for learning and he grew up in a highly academic family. A very interesting background. I am most especially looking forward to reading about his views of the church, although I will admit to being somewhat cautious. I have read one of Eric Metaxas' other, non-biographical, books and his theology is pretty suspect (and that is being generous).
From the limited amount that I know about Bonhoeffer, he is a tragic figure. Not in that he gave his life for his faith but that in the end he gave in to doing what was right in his own eyes and plotting to kill Hitler. I understand the impulse, I don’t condone it. I am interested in seeing what his motivations were and how conflicted he was about it.
So it should be an interesting book. I will of course post a review when I finish.
I just heard of this book through WORLD magazine! It looks great, I hope my local library has it! (Otherwise, it will be added to our already lengthy Amazon wish list.)
The Lansing library system already has four copies (all checked out of course!) so yours should have it.
Feel free to share interesting tidbits along the way!
Mark, you know I will. Already have some thoughts ready to go. Shocking, I know!
Well, my library has a few copies... but I am third in line! And, since check out time is 3 weeks, I might be waiting a while. It will give me time to get good and ready to read it!
I was able to place a hold on a Bonhoeffer DVD documentary too. I will let you know what we think of that later.
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