Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Al Gore, sore loser and lunatic....

In this week's The New Yorker, which I normally never read but was referenced to by Fox News, one of the features is an interview with Al Gore. Clearly Al went off the deep end after losing the election in 2000 and has never recovered. The New Yorker is obviously an enabler to his delusion, neglecting to mention that HE LOST the 2000 election. Instead they blame the insidious Supreme Court:

Gore, along with no small part of the country, is convinced that had things turned out differently in Florida in 2000, had the conservatives on the Supreme Court not outnumbered the liberals by a single vote, the United States would not be in the condition it’s in...

Hey Al, no matter how you counted the votes, YOU LOST FLORIDA! Unless of course you choose to only count votes for you, which they would have if they could have gotten away with it. Of all the lies propagated by the Left, this is the most disconcerting: they ignore every bit of evidence and insist Gore won Florida. So what if he got more overall votes nationwide, we have had an electoral college system in this country forever. Clinton never won a majority of the popular vote but boy did he think he had a mandate (other than groping chubby interns). Gore then goes on to attack Bush, not for his policies but for his faith and personality...

He seeks strength in simplicity. But, in today’s world, that’s often a problem. I don’t think that he’s weak intellectually. I think that he is incurious....But I think his weakness is a moral weakness. I think he is a bully, and, like all bullies, he’s a coward when confronted with a force that he’s fearful of.

Imagine if anyone said that Kerry was a lackluster Catholic and as such had no respect for the unborn? That he was morally weak? His nudge-nudge, wink-wink slam on Bush's intelligence without coming right out and saying it is infuriating, especially from a mental midget like Gore who's idea of intellect is parrotting back information. He claims Bush suffers from "from genuine moral cowardice" that stems from being beholden to big money groups. I am reading a book by Linda Chavez, Betrayal, about the enormous sums of money and unquestioning control that union bosses wield over the Democratic party. How about George Soros and the Hollywood elite? The trial lawyers? I guess money to Democrats is pure and with no strings attached but money to the Republicans is tainted.

This takes the cake...

A Southern Baptist, he, too, had declared himself born again, but he clearly had disdain for Bush’s public kind of faith. “It’s a particular kind of religiosity,” he said. “It’s the American version of the same fundamentalist impulse that we see in Saudi Arabia, in Kashmir, in religions around the world: Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim. They all have certain features in common. In a world of disconcerting change, when large and complex forces threaten familiar and comfortable guideposts, the natural impulse is to grab hold of the tree trunk that seems to have the deepest roots and hold on for dear life and never question the possibility that it’s not going to be the source of your salvation. And the deepest roots are in philosophical and religious traditions that go way back. You don’t hear very much from them about the Sermon on the Mount, you don’t hear very much about the teachings of Jesus on giving to the poor, or the beatitudes. It’s the vengeance, the brimstone.”

I can't even come up with an analogy towards Kerry that begins to come close to this. Gore claims to be born again and yet he is willing to sacrifice the unborn on the altar of political expediency. I would counter that Gore has the opposite problem, all he sees from Jesus is the Sermon on the Mount, he sees Christ as Savior but not Lord. Christ saves but Christ also condemns. Bush, and me too I guess, have the same sort of religious fervor that led to bin Laden? Gore has the false sort of religiosity without real faith that Jesus condemned.

Gore tries so hard to come off as the intellectual, sitting back and pontificating about his genius and tsk'ing at simple minded Bush. He spends so much time stringing together quotes from legitimate thinkers that he sounds like Mike Tyson trying to sound intelligent by using big words. I remember the debates between Gore, Quayle and Stockdale in 1992. Gore ain't near as smart as his handlers have trained him to sound. Two words that describe Al Gore with an emphasis on the second one...


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