Thursday, April 22, 2004

Fox News has a good article about the backlash against young teens and preteens wearing trashy clothes. I am not sure what these parents are thinking, but on second thought I guess they aren't thinking at all. They will be once they become parents of a 15 year old and grandparents of her child.I hadn't even heard the term "prostitots" before...

>>>"They're called 'prostitots,'" said Anna Miressi, a Kingston, N.Y., high school freshman who claims the term is commonly used among her peers. "It's those girls at the mall with the tight jeans and belly shirts. They're in between the age group of 10 to 13 or 14."<<<

A) Why are girls between 10-14 wearing trashy clothes and B) Why are they hanging out at the mall? My 10 year old, who will be eleven in a few months, is not in any danger of hanging out at the mall anytime soon.

Thankfully some groups are trying to intervene. As the article points out, stars like Ashton Kutcher and Paris Hilton are put forward as heroes, and the idea seems to be wanton sexuality with people way older than you and being plain old stupid are cool. On the bright side, these kids wil be able to vote in the 2012 Presidential election. Myabe there is hope for Hillary yet...

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