Friday, March 20, 2009

Leadership, not talkership

I realy liked a quote from Peggy Noonan in her latest editorial, Neither a Hedgehog Nor a Fox . In describing the pseudo-cerebral and generally ethereal manner of the current administration in the face of an economic crisis, she said:

Leadership is needed here. Not talkership, leadership.

Quite true. We need a leader, someone who can lead this nation out of the mire and back into prosperity. President Obama seems content to spend and talk, hoping that something will stick.


Unknown said...

Off topic, but wanted to share this verse.
Psalm 22:10 - "From my mother's womb, You have been my God."
If a baby dies inutero, and God still knows that baby, as we can read form the above verse, then infant baptism is way off base in my opinion!

Arthur Sido said...

Neither side believes baptism saves you, so my thought is that since God will ensure the salvation of all of His sheep we should follow the plain teaching of the Bible and baptize those who show signs of salvation, not baptize people and hope they show signs of salvation later.

Anonymous said...

1st Peter 3:20-22 seems to say something else.

It speaks of water baptism (a couple of clear references to water and washing)

and that it now "saves you also".

Us Lutheran types always have to throw a monkey wrench in, to stir it up a bit! :D