Thursday, January 29, 2009

You can have some of your own money back. Gee, thanks!

To the shock of no one who is paying attention, the Congress is ramming the “stimulus” package through as fast as they can. Little wonder. The last thing the Democrat leaders on Capitol Hill want is for anyone to look under the hood and find that instead of an economy driving engine we see a bunch of bacon and pork chops. The handcuffs are off and every liberal interest group has been given a check to write for whatever misguided social cause they represent. Stimulus has nothing to do with what is going on here. This is all payback to liberal interest groups, donors, lobbyist and the most senior members of Congress. Luckily for liberals, their lackeys and willing accomplices in the media are helping run interference for them until they can get this thing on Obama’s desk.

The “stimulus package” is basically taking our money, filtering it through the Washington D.C. bureaucracy, taking out huge loans with 300 million co-signers and then giving us back some of our own money that comes from our pockets and from debt we have to pay back. Brilliant! I am sure President Obama and Nancy Pelosi would be OK with me taking $100 out of their wallets, giving them back $50 of it and then applying for a credit card in their name, maxing it out and sharing some of what I bought with them. Sure I spent $5000 on your credit card, but you get the $2000 TV you didn’t need. So what if Joe in Nebraska also gets a TV with your credit and I keep $1000 for “administrative costs”.The “stimulus” is not coming from some magic pot of money the government has been sitting on for a rainy day. It is not coming by socking it to the rich. It is being funded by tax dollars from regular, working class Americans who pay taxes and by an enormous debt load that will be passed on for generations to come.


Why not cut payroll taxes and leave working people with more money in their wallets? Two reasons:

1. Doing that would take control away from politicians to spend our money as they see fit. What is the point of being a politician if you can’t get your hand in the cookie jar?

2. Politicians think we are too stupid to spend our own money. Why wouldn’t they? They think we are too stupid to educate and raise our own kids.

Wake up America. The government is coming into your house, stealing your car, trading it in and giving you a Yugo in exchange and then expects you to be grateful for their generosity with your money.

Are you feeling stimulated yet? I am feeling something but I can’t say it is stimulated. Maybe “nauseated” is a better word for what I am feeling.


Anonymous said...

I say we move to Canada--who's coming with me?

James said...

i might, cuz after calculating taxes on my payroll, I am paying almost 30 percent....THIRTY PERCENT....

Arthur Sido said...

April, Canada is even worse and is far more liberal on social issues. I still say we all move to Alaska and go off the grid!

Arthur Sido said...

James, I already filed my taxes and am waiting for my return. I figure my tax rate is like -10%. I won't even tell you how much I am getting back (since I didn't pay it) but it rhymes with reven dousand.

Bethany W. said...

A Yugo? Arthur, you are dating yourself again.

Arthur Sido said...

Ah very true Bethany, but you knew what I meant so back at ya!

Unknown said...

One of the ugly things hiding in that package is the takeover of all medical records.
Just watch, mandatory vaccines will be in place very soon.

Off grid, home birth, garden, root cellar, chickens, goats/cow, we come!

Unknown said...

By the way, we visited a home church on Sunday that we have been meaning to check out for some time.
We know several people there already.
It was PERFECT, as much as a church made up of humans can be!
Some headcovering, some not, communion, family integrated, plural male leadership....
All without a PB flavor!!
I want to make a full switch, but Steve wants to make a slow switch.
All in good time :o)

Anonymous said...

Australia...that's the place to go.

Arthur Sido said...


Australia? now you are just talking crazy!

Arthur Sido said...

Paula, that sounds wonderful! It has been amazing that when you step outside of the institutional church you find Christians who are Biblical, orthodox, loving, and yet do so without being caught up in programs and schedules. That isn't to say that there are not kooks in the house church ranks (there are!) or that there are not great Christians in the institutional church (there certainly are!) but that we cannot permit tradition to dictate that this is how we worship and not that.