Thursday, September 11, 2008

How great will this be?!

From John Piper on the Desiring God blog...

God willing, this Fall I will begin a new extended series of sermons on the Gospel of John.

How marvelous would it be to sit under John Piper go through this wonderful Gospel! Hard to believe but Dr. Piper wrote that he has never preached through one of the Gospels. It is a big book and John Piper is an older guy, but I absolutely love this quote from Piper...

I am 62 as we begin. So someone may ask, “Why start a series of messages on the fourth-longest book in the New Testament? Do you want to die in this book?” I cannot think of a better place to die.

Amen to that! I am looking forward to listening to this series as Pastor Piper declares the Word of God through the writings of the disciple Christ loved. If you are so inclined, Dr. Piper asks for prayer as he prepares to embark on this exposition...

Would you pray for me? And for the greatest possible blessing of the Holy Spirit on our church for the sake of the good of the world and the glory of Jesus?

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