I was reading in the Toledo Blade and came across an article on a new church near the University of Toledo. It sounded so good at first...
The Rev. Julian Davies said starting a church from scratch poses a lot of challenges, but it also has its benefits.
"Nobody can say, 'This is how we've always done it,'•" he said in an interview this week at his office adjacent to the University of Toledo.
He preaches with a scholarly flair, and add such visuals as slides that show the original Greek and Hebrew wording of Bible verses.
"There are lots of other churches you can go to if you want to hear other things, but we're kind of pitching it at a certain community," Mr. Davies said.
Sounds good so far. And then there was this....
He is finishing up a sermon series on "The Theological Virtues," studying faith, hope, and love, and on Sept. 14 will begin a seven-part series on "The Seven Deadly Social Sins According to Mohandas Gandhi."
Music at the church is led by Ronnie Lindsey, a nationally known gospel artist, and the songs can range from urban to rock to African tunes sung in Swahili, Mr. Davies said.
The Rev. Julian Davies said starting a church from scratch poses a lot of challenges, but it also has its benefits.
"Nobody can say, 'This is how we've always done it,'•" he said in an interview this week at his office adjacent to the University of Toledo.
He preaches with a scholarly flair, and add such visuals as slides that show the original Greek and Hebrew wording of Bible verses.
"There are lots of other churches you can go to if you want to hear other things, but we're kind of pitching it at a certain community," Mr. Davies said.
Sounds good so far. And then there was this....
He is finishing up a sermon series on "The Theological Virtues," studying faith, hope, and love, and on Sept. 14 will begin a seven-part series on "The Seven Deadly Social Sins According to Mohandas Gandhi."
Music at the church is led by Ronnie Lindsey, a nationally known gospel artist, and the songs can range from urban to rock to African tunes sung in Swahili, Mr. Davies said.
How disappointing. What do men like this think this has to do with the Gospel? Or do they even have any idea what the Gospel is? Why in the world would a Christian ask what Gandhi thinks about the seven deadly sins when he has no concept of what sin is as a Hindu? No wonder people don't go to church anymore, you can hear this sort of silliness anywhere and still sleep in on Sunday morning. As for me, I will still get my family up on Sunday, dress nicely and gather with God's people to hear God's Word proclaimed, and that is entertaining enough for me.
This is the single largest 'issue' that is rotting out supposed churches and identifying false prophets. A refusal to preach on sin, repentance and hell.
Who wants to hear that?
I do!
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