Friday, September 10, 2004

An oldie but a goodie!

I came across this editorial by Thomas Sowell, dated in 2000, but it is still as relevant today four years later. Sowell rightly points out the hypocrisy of that day concerning Rosie O'Donnell, darling of the anti-gun, hiring an armed security guard for her kids. He then goes on to make the comparison between armed gun control advocates and opponents of school vouchers sending their kids to private schools that others can't afford. This quote hits the liberal nail on the head...

More than 90 percent of all uses of guns in self-defense do not involve actually firing the weapon, despite gun control advocates' assumption that we are all such trigger-happy idiots that letting ordinary citizens have guns will lead to bullets flying hither and yon. Like virtually every other liberal crusade, gun control is based on the assumption that other people lack common sense and must be controlled by the superior wisdom and virtue of the anointed.

Bingo! You are too stupid to care for yourself, so you need a Hollywood celebrity to tell you how to live and how to think. These self-annointed types include the Teresa Heinz Kerry's of the world (the super rich who assume the middle class are boobs), the Hollywood elite (who think that being able to pretend to be someone else convincingly makes them smart) and the eductaional establishment (who have lived in the academic world so long they have ceased to even recognize the real world off campus). They are the heart and soul of the Democratic party, a party that prefers paternalism to freedom, lemmings to patriots and the U.N. to the Constitution.

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