As I was reading's Best of the Web today, I came across this quote from Robert Kuttner in the Boston Globe...
John Kerry is in trouble because the Bush campaign has seized control of what psychologists call the "frame" of this year's presidential contest. Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and company have framed the election starkly: Bush will keep us safe in a time of terror. He will put money in people's pockets by cutting our taxes, and somehow that will also be good for the economy.
This is a telling quote. To leftists like Kuttner, ALL tax dollars belong to the government and they determine how much we should get to put in our pockets. To conservatives, it is OUR money and WE should decide how much to send to the government. Kuttner's blind ideology shows further in this paragraph....
For Kerry and for Democrats, the frustrating reality is that everything important about George Bush and his presidency is a lie. Bush himself is far more of a phony. As several biographies have documented, he virtually fell upwards, benefiting from family connections to survive a dissolute youth, draft avoidance, and several business failures. But Bush has seized the iconography of the honest cowboy, the regular guy clearing brush on his Texas ranch, the war hero arriving by fighter plane to rescue America. That Kerry actually served in combat, that he made his way upwards with far less family help, gets buried under the smears.
BUSH is living a lie? Kuttner aparently takes at face value the hit jobs done by leftist "biographers", and yet discounts eye witnesses of John Kerry's self-inflated war exploits. Kerry is in trouble not because of framing the election. Kerry is in trouble because he is what his detractors claim: an elitist liberal who is pretending to be a moderate. He predicated his entire campaign on being a war hero 30 years ago, and it turns out that he lied about big chunks of that (like the memory seared-seared!- into his mind about a false trip to Cambodia. Lies about being wounded when in fact they were self-inflicted. Lies about his fellow servicemen and women when he got back to the states. Lies, lies and more lies.).
Kerry opened the Pandora's Box of Vietnam and now he has to deal with it. Kuttner and his ilk can't imagine that everyone in America doesn't agree with them, so they must have been duped by Bush because he is so clever. Or is he stupid? Or cleverly stupid? Kuttner is like most New Englanders/East Coasters, he is outraged that the rubes in fly-over America would dare question the judgement of the Boston and New York media outlets. Here's a hint Robbie, America has moved past you people. It was your lies and bias that forced us to find alternate methods of information gathering. First talk radio, which people like you villified as causing the Oklahoma city bombings, and then the internet and finally Fox News. You brought this upon yourselves just as surely as Kerry did by running on a platform of "I served in Vietnam, elect me!"
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