Sunday, April 18, 2004

The lie of accommodation...

the Cleveland Plain Delaer reports on the ordination of a supporter of Gene Robinson, the homosexual bishop of New Hampshire, as Episcopal Bishop of Ohio. The end result of casting God's word aside in favor of man's idea of tolerance is seen below...

The diocese that he takes over has shrunk rapidly from 74,000 baptized members in 118 northern Ohio parishes in 1966 to 32,000 baptized members in 2002. Of those, only 24,000 are communicants, or more active members in the discusses 103 parishes.

And Northeast Ohio is a flashpoint in the turmoil over the national church's decision to ordain Robinson and to acknowledge the blessing of same-sex unions. Last month, five diocesan churches that uphold traditional teachings on sexuality brought in conservative bishops for a confirmation service in a borrowed church. Last week, the five churches announced they have their own conservative bishop and asked Hollingsworth, a strong supporter of Robinson, to stay out of their parishes. <<<

There can be no compromise on the word of God, and the lie that tolerance and inclusiveness is necessary to membership has sown a terrible harvest. Click here for entire article.

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