Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Here is a marvelous quote, reprinted in today's OpinionJournal.com Best of the Web section, from former UN ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick in 1984.

>>> When the San Francisco Democrats treat foreign affairs as an afterthought, as they did, they behaved less like a dove or a hawk than like an ostrich--convinced it would shut out the world by hiding its head in the sand. . . .

When the Soviet Union walked out of arms control negotiations, and refused even to discuss the issues, the San Francisco Democrats didn't blame Soviet intransigence. They blamed the United States. But then, they always blame America first.

When Marxist dictators shoot their way to power in Central America, the San Francisco Democrats don't blame the guerrillas and their Soviet allies, they blame United States policies of 100 years ago. But then, they always blame America first.

The American people know better. <<<

It was true then and it is true now! Blame America first! Fly planes into out buildings? We did something to make them upset with us! Free them from a brutal dictator and give them freedoms they have not enjoyed for generations, trying to turn over power as soon as possible? Bush lied! Imperialism!

I swear the Left has become so livid about Bush that they rarely make any sense at all about anything. At least in the past, while they were wrong, they were coherent.

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