What is newsworthy is that THIS is newsworthy!All over the news this morning. Every channel I flipped to had a piece on the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, General Pace, stating that he felt homosexuality is immoral. You would think be the reaction that he is the only person in the country who believes this! General Pace said the following...
"I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way," Pace told the newspaper in a wide-ranging interview.
That makes perfect sense. The problem is that so few people think that homosexuality is immoral anymore, because they are unable to label
anything as immoral except believing that something is immoral. General Pace is also quoted as saying...
"I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts," Pace said.
For the two hundred years of our nations history, it was generally understood and accepted that homosexuality was condemned in the Bible and unnatural. Now we have a respected General merely reiterating that and everyone is in an uproar. (I am watching Fox News, and Brit Hume is about to talk about it AGAIN). The indifference exhibited by most churches is a big part of the problem, because we are afraid to affirm the authority of the Bible to make absolute statements. I am preaching through Genesis, currently looking at Abraham, and I preached last Sunday on the first half of Genesis 19, and showed from the Word of God that a) homosexuality is an abomination and b) that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was sexual immorality, specifically homosexuality. Now ignorance of God's Word has led to people thinking that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for a lack of hospitality, which only makes sense in the most tortured, out of context style of Biblical interpretation. It is obvious that the case against that interpretation is an easy one to make. It is shameful that in the church we have to spend time even reiterating this, and it is even quite disturbing that so many people in my church told me they hadn't heard a sermon like that in a long time. Why not? One word: cowardice.
Mort Kondracke on Fox News is pulling out the race card and comparing the ban on homosexuals with racial segregation, which is the most ignorant argument one can make on this issue. Ugh.