Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When rabid Calvinists (don't) attack!

I liked this interview and much of the commenting that followed this post from Ed Stetzer featuring an interview between Ed and Joe Thorn, Ed Stetzer - Joe Thorn and Angry (Fake) Calvinists. They discuss why it seems that there are an disporportionate number of "angry" Calvinists out there. I thought the brief interview was excellent and much of the commenting that followed was as well. As someone who holds to Calvinism proper and someone who long was an evangelist for Calvinism, I understand why the perception of angry Calvinists is out there because frankly there are a lot of people who fit that description. There are entire blogs and "ministries" that are focused on telling people that they are Calvinists and attacking anyone who is not. It is not helpful nor is it edifying but there is a wide enough audience to keep it going. Anyway, give Ed's post a look if you are interested in that sort of thing.

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