Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A little gratitude wouldn’t hurt

I was at the local pregnancy resource center last night volunteering. Pretty good night, got to talk to some folks, play with a little two month old baby, helped give out some free stuff to help people with material needs. So all well and good. All good that is except for a young woman who was upset because we didn’t have the right size of diapers that she needed. She got a bit snippy and that didn’t sit well with me.

So I was thinking, hey how about a little gratitude here lady! You know that whole thing about beggars and choosers and how you can’t be both? Sheesh! It isn’t like she did much to “earn” those diapers.

So I thought about me and God and the unmerited favor He has graciously shown me. I didn’t get some free diapers. I was saved from an eternal, conscious punishment in hell as the due and just penalty for my sins. A small pack of diapers costs a few bucks. The infinitely gracious gift I received came with a price tag of life, the shed blood and sacrificed life of the very Son of God. That is kind of a big deal.

How do I show my thanks to God for His grace?

Well I am often pretty selfish, especially in things like making disciples and caring for the poor. I rarely am as faithful as I should and I could be in things like loving my wife or raising my kids or even loving my neighbor. Sure I thank God before meals but that is often perfunctory and I am really bad about thanking Him for everything else I should be thankful for. I would, if I am being honest, rather drink coffee and dink around on the internet or play a video game than actually interact and serve people. I complain and crab and grumble and moan and often share that with you here on my blog.


Maybe I have no business being outraged that someone isn’t as grateful and appreciative as I think they should be.

I think I need to get away from that cultural mindset that expects something tangible from people in return for service. I shouldn’t be doing things to get a response. I should be serving others as a response to what God has done for me. I have no idea what was going on with that young woman. She might have been completely out of diapers. She might be about to be evicted. Who knows what is happening with her. I certainly don’t. I am the kind of person that assumes the worst of people. It fits well with my belief in Total Depravity. Of course in reality the least appreciative person I know is me. Maybe I can cut other people some slack....


Aussie John said...


"Et tu, Brute?". You too,Arthur? And I as well!

Caesars famous words at his betrayal by his best friend Brutus, could easily be echoed by Jesus, as He speaks to you and I, and most who claim allegiance to Him.

Misplaced Honor said...

You sound like me. As I read your post I can relate to the girl needing diapers because I know first hand, right now, how important the right size diapers are. But have I given thanks to God for providing those for me? No, in fact, until I read this blog post it didn't even come to mind. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself for having a really sucky, horrible, no good, very bad day. Even so, I have plenty of the right size diapers and food on the table. What a wretch!

Even so, we are in Christ and covered by His blood, clothed in His righteousness and tumbling around for God's pleasure trying to learn how to do this thing called life. It's only as we find ourselves consistently in His presence that we can remain satisfied, both with others and with ourselves.

Thanks for sharing bro.

Unknown said...

"I shouldn’t be doing things to get a response. I should be serving others as a response to what God has done for me." Very succinctly and well stated!

James said...

Arthur..haha..I love you brother. Man up.

Come do my job...everyday...this times 1000! :)

Serve God and be glad he has allowed you to be snipped at..

I am glad you are willing to shift and shake up your comfort zone. I work with so many people in my field who do jobs like you describe for a check and get upset when people act like...well...people.

Ur Man CD said...

I echo the comments made here King Arthur, I can only relate too well with your thoughts and then your sudden other thoughts about how ungrateful we can appear.

Quality stuff, King Arthur, keep up the good work.