Sunday, August 07, 2011

Going not going

Was thinking this morning about focus and where it should be for followers of Christ.

Instead of focusing on going to church, our focus should be on the church going.

We should all seek to be ministering to instead of seeking to be ministered to.

Instead of discipleship classes we should be making disciples.

The church in a locality should be cooperating with each other, not competing with one another.

We should be more concerned about our calling and our responsibility than our rights.

We need to be more concerned with what the church does than how the church looks, who it is going to than where it is meeting.

Mutual edification, encouragement and equipping are Biblical. Performance, monologue, passivity and ritual are not.

Most of all our focus should be on Christ. Not on "church".


Swanny said...

I am with ya!

Aussie John said...


It's so good to read someone saying, "Most of all our focus should be on Christ. Not on "church"."

C.H. Spurgeon once ended a sermon with this prayer; "Without Christ ye are nothing, though ye be baptised, though ye be members of churches, though ye be highly esteemed as deacons, elders, pastors. Oh, then, have Christ everywhere in all things, and constrain men to say of you, "To that man Christ is all in all: I have marked him; he has been with Jesus, he has learned of him, for he acts as Jesus did. God grant a blessing on these words, for Christ's sake. Amen."