Thursday, February 04, 2010

What is tragic is that Planned Parenthood doesn't see the irony here

After weeks of screeching about the "Tim Tebow" ad, the blood merchants at Planned Parenthood put out a counter ad featuring two "former athletes", Al Joyner and a former NFL player named Sean James (who I have never heard of). Here is the "counter ad"

What is so tragic and ironic is this line from Mr. James:

My mom showed me that women are strong and wise. She taught me that only women can make the best decisions about their health and their future.

If that is true, then women should be as equipped as possible with all the information they can get. Yet Planned Parenthood fights every attempt to educate women about the truth of abortion. Why? Not because of choice but because of money. Fewer abortions means less money in their coffers. Less support for abortion might mean fewer subsidies from tax payers to feed their abortion mills. More information leads to better choices and those choices mean fewer aborted children. This is all about their bottom line. That is why they fight tooth and nail to keep contrary views about abortion off the air and away from women, because they need ignorance to keep their "clinics" open and their abortionists employed. Legalized murder is big business.

It is not about choice. It is about profit.

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1 comment:

Bean said...

Exactly! The Pro LIFE movement has made great strides in educating people about the evils of abortion. Part of the reason planned parenthood doesn't like the idea of ultrasounds is because it is obvious from an ultrasound image that the "blob of tissue" is more than a blob it is a teeny, tiny human being, with arms, legs, head, and body, with a beating heart.
If Planned Parenthood really values women they would spend their time and money fighting the exploitation and victimization of women in the pornography industry. They would allow men to be men, head of the household, and women to women, nurturing and caring for their husband and children. Instead radical feminism has turned gender roles upside down, men are sidelined as unimportant and women are supposed to do it all. All this has done is cause unhappiness, too many children are raised without fathers, too many women live in poverty, and too many men are left feeling worthless.
It has taken about forty years to totally turn things upside down, birth control does not empower a woman, it victimizes her. Planned Parenthood continues it's propaganda campaign, but fewer and fewer people believe their message.