Thursday, February 11, 2010

Irony Alert!

John Piper is indeed fallible......and he is dead(ly) wrong in this case

I was reading something my friend James Lee sent me the other day. It was an article written by James White of Alpha & Omega ministries regarding something John Piper wrote on why he (Piper) does not own a gun for self-defense. I was working on a blog post about what White wrote and how it applies to self-defense/non-resistance but something seemed familiar about it. Sure enough, I blogged about this very A&O post a year and a half ago and had a very different take. I would say now that I was completely wrong in my assessment. I like what Dr. White had to say about the topic because it reinforced my own opinions. So now I find myself retracting what I wrote in July of 2008. I have more to write about this topic but I found it interesting to see how my thinking had changed on this topic (like many others) over the last year and a half.

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Anonymous said...

Presumably, you're suggesting that you had it dead wrong in saying that Piper had it dead wrong last year!

I find it amazing myself to know how my views can change radically over time because of different things I learn and grow by. I look forward to reading your post with great interest.

Arthur Sido said...

That is exactly what I am saying! (That is coming from someone who owns not one but a whole bunch of guns.) As I study Scripture, I find that some of my positions are strengthened while others are changed.