President Obama spoke today at the commencement ceremony at Notre Dame, a shameful moment for that institution, and called for both sides on the abortion debate to be "open-minded"...
"When we open up our hearts and our minds to those who may not think precisely like we do or believe precisely what we believe -- that's when we discover at least the possibility of common ground," Obama said.
Mr. President, I have no room for being open-minded when it comes to the murder of unborn children. No sane person should. We can argue about taxes, we can debate about immigration, we can be respectful when it comes to gun ownership but when it comes to infanticide, there is no room for open-mindedness, for compromise, for common ground, for respect. I cannot and I will not respect a position that reduces human life to a "choice" and sacrifices children for the sake of convenience.
I am suprised and shocked that Notre Dame, A Catholic University, would have Obama speak. The Catholic church has been at the fore front and the right to life movement. How suprising and dissapointing to be honest. I second your remarks. I can be open about universal health care, or about other social programs, but about abortion? No, I can not. The shedding of innocent blood is one of the 7 things God hates, and as such I hate it too. Proverbs 6:16-19
God bless,
Things are falling apart, and falling apart fast.
Notre Dame is just another evidence of the degenerating institutions of "higher learning" within and outside the church.
It stopped being about education a long time ago and it is really about indoctrination, creating a proper worldview in young adults. How else do we explain the sight of thousands of allleged Catholics cheering a supporter of infanticide?
I read your comments about Notre Dame. I wanted to ask you what do you think about college then for Christian youth? I am in prayer about this, because of my concern. I mean I don't wish to send my son off to some ungodly institution and yet we can't afford private school and so many of them are not teaching Christian values. What is your take on that? It's on my heart these days as my oldest is 16 and approaching college.
God bless,
Gloria, I am struggling through this as well. We live like five minutes from Michigan State University and the assumption is that our kids will go to college. But does that make sense? After all these years of raising them up only to send them to professional deniers of Christ? We are looking at alternatives, community college or distance. If we were to send them off to school it would have to be a solid Christian school, one in truth not merely in name alone. It is a tough question and with our oldest turning sixteen in a few weeks it is about to become more urgent.
Or, your son could marry our daughter and take care of the whole problem!
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