Monday, August 23, 2004


TV reports that there is a remake of the movie Oh, God! in the works. Who better to replace venerable George Burns than...Ellen DeGeneres? Here are her qualifications...

"Ellen is a strong comedienne and she has always done material about God and questions about God," says producer Jerry Weintraub. "She will help us with the writing, and using her will allow us to do a proper 2005 view of Oh, God! that is hip and modern."

If by "hip and modern" you mean horrible, then you are right on.

Oh wait, I get it, they are portraying God as a woman. Ha ha ha!

Even better, as a woman who is best known as a mediocre comic who is a lesbian! Double har de har har!

I love the line, "a proper 2005 veiw of Oh, God! " In other words, a proper postmodern view of who God is. As if God must adapt to modern man's mores instead of the other way around. Good thing churches don't hold to that view. Oh wait...

I am not the Biblical expert I would like to be, but I am guessing there is something in the Word about it being a bad idea to mock God. The original movie was probably fairly inoffensive, but I can't see the remake as anything but a mockery of Him.

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