Monday, August 23, 2004

Another good article on National Review, this one on a victory for eminent domain opponents, a tactic used by governments to seize private property often to give to a private entity. The case he cites is a neighborhood in Michigan that was seized to make way for a new GM plant. I have no problem with tax incentives to lure business, but when people's homes are seized that is a different story. If GM wants a piece of land they should have to negotiate a buyout with every landowner, and pay fair market price.

Eminent domain abuse is rampant and we are starting to see more and more of it applied for "environmental" purposes. Government entities sieze or render useless property to preserve it and make it worthless to the land owner. Private ownership of property has long been one of th ehallmarks of American success, and the government has no business seizing private property.

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